Help Protect Bears and Their Future – Donate Today!
Bears face growing threats from habitat loss and human intolerance. Vince Shute envisioned a world where bears and humans could coexist peacefully, and since 1995, the American Bear Association—a 501(c)(3) non-profit—has been bringing that vision to life. Through the Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary, we have educated nearly a quarter million visitors about these incredible animals and their vital role in nature.
Your support is crucial to securing a future for the bears that visit our sanctuary and for wild bear populations everywhere. Donations of any kind make a difference—whether it’s monetary contributions, bear food (see our wildlife supplies list), gifts of stock, or charitable gift annuities.
Together, through education, observation, and experience, we can create a world where humans and bears thrive side by side. Please donate today and be a part of this important mission!
American Bear Association / VSWS Needs List
The American Bear Association and Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary are in constant need of donated items. Our needs range anything from stationery to batteries to food. But just as important, we need people’s donated time and skills! Any help you can give us is greatly appreciated.
The American Bear Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The value of your donated item(s) is deductible to the full extent of the law. We will provide you with documentation for your tax records. Items can be mailed to: PO Box 77 Orr, MN 55771 or to our office 4303 Highway 53 Orr, MN 55771. Alternatively, items can be dropped off during hours in which we are open to the public : Memorial Day weekend- Labor Day weekend 5PM-8PM. Please note we are closed Sundays & Mondays. If you have any questions about making a donation, please contact us. If you would like recognition for your donation, please forward your e-mail from Amazon to:
Wildlife Supplies
- Gourds, coconuts, pumpkins (in shells) etc
- Black Oil Sunflower Seed
- Osprey platform & duck boxes (cheaper if hand-made)
- Metal 58oz. food scoops
- Peanuts in the shell
- Apples
- Dried fruits
- Acorns from healthy trees
- Seeds (preferably sunflower)
- Walnuts, pecans, almonds, cashews, pistachios, shelled peanuts (These CAN be expired, the bears don’t mind!)
- Poop Scoopers
- Feeding Pans
Volunteer Supplies
- Packaged and canned foods, NOT expired ( soups, juices, snacks, chips, sauces, pastas, grains, tuna)
- Fresh fruit and vegetables
- Bugspray
- Fog/Air Horn for negative reinforcement
Household Items
- Vacuum- need 2!
- Strong plastic 30 to 33 gallon trash bags
- Dish detergent (eco-friendly preferred)
- Cleaning supplies (bleach, window cleaner, disinfectant).
- Paper goods such as towels, napkins, industrial hand wipes, toilet paper, etc (recycled products preferred).
- Sturdy carpet sweepers
- Laundry detergent
Office Supplies
- Office supplies (envelopes, printer paper, pens, paper clips, file folders, scotch tape) and postage stamps
- HP 64 XL Black Ink
- HP 64 Black and Colored Ink
Hand Tools
- Electric tools – cordless drills
- Floor Scraper (need 2)
Power Tools
- Deep cycle Marine/RV batteries (please call our office for specific brand needed)
- Batteries – AA, AAA, C, D and 9 volt
Landscaping Supplies
- Native flowers, trees, bushes especially fruiting ones
- Clover seeds and other wildlife grasses
- Feeding tiles 18″ x 18″ or larger
- Lumber for building projects
- Disposable work gloves
- Heavy-duty spade shovels- Shovels (need 4)
- Garden rakes (need 4)
- Handheld weed whipper (need 2)
- 4-wheel drive vehicle
- Riding lawn mower
- Engine oil, tires, wiper blades (please call our office for specific sizes)
Intern Wish List (for their days off)
- Kayaks
- Paddle Boards
- Canoe
- DVD’s
- Books
- Games
Services Needed at the Sanctuary or ABA Office
- Carpenters for deck projects, cabin repairs
- Visitor Center/Gift Shop assistant (greet guests, ring up gift shop sales, give directions to our viewing platform)
- Electricians
- Camp cooks (meals can be cooked in our kitchen or cooked from your home and brought to the sanctuary)
- Secretarial services (addressing envelopes, running errands in town, answering phone calls and e-mails)
- Computer experts for website changes
- Graphic designers for educational sign help
- Landscapers and horticulturalists
- Small engine mechanic for regular vehicle repairs
- Alternative energy experts (solar)
- Truckers to transport food from Cities to Sanctuary
- Heavy equipment operators and the machinery for habitat and road improvement projects
- Volunteer groups to gather natural foods such as acorns, hazelnuts, walnuts, hickory nuts, etc
- Copy and printing services