Meaning behind her name: She was one of the few that is still around from when we used to name bears after interns, staff and volunteers. She was named after a volunteer. We no longer name bears after people to avoid anthropomorphizing them.
Born: 1999
Sex: Female
Color: Black
Identifying markers: Golden muzzle, face and eyebrows. Her face appears speckled or highlighted at certain parts of the season
One word or phrase to describe her: Protective
Favorite treat: She is our least picky eater! If you would like to make a food donation for Nikki, she says, “surprise me!”
Where can you find her at the sanctuary? She loves hanging out in the backwoods of the sanctuary and often spends time just on the edge of the wood line. She also loves hanging out on the ‘bear beds’, which are tucked between the safety of two trees.
Adopt Nikki